Saturday, May 16, 2015

Faculty Spotlight: Carlton W. Hughes

Carlton W. Hughes is a communications professor at Southeast Kentucky Community College and coordinates the Dual Credit Program at Harlan County High School, where he also teaches part-time. He is children’s pastor at Lynch Church of God and won the 2013 Shepherd’s Cup Award, the highest honor for children’s pastors in the Church of God denomination. Hughes is also a year-round volunteer and Relay Center Coordinator for Operation Christmas Child. As a writer, his works have been featured in numerous publications, including the books Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Dating Game and Simple Little Words. He will have a play published in a Christmas anthology this September from Shepherd Publishing of Nashville. Hughes is a two-time first-place winner in the “Dramas/ Plays/Scripts” category in the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Writers Contest. He resides in Cumberland, Kentucky, and he and his wife Kathy have two sons, Noah and Ethan. He is a fan of chocolate, good books, basketball, and classic television shows like “I Love Lucy.”

So You’re a Newbie: A Primer for First Time Attendees: Are you wondering what in the world you do at a writer’s conference?  Do you have a fear of editors? Conference veteran Carlton Hughes will provide advice for first time attendees: Getting the most out of conference sessions, practicing editor etiquette (how to talk to editors, do’s and don’ts) Promoting your work, developing relationships, and more. Join us for a fun, fast-paced primer.

The Hero's Journey (tentative): What do The Wizard of Oz and countless novels and other movies have in common? They follow a classic plotting device called the "Hero's Journey." Learn how to plot your story using this popular technique.

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