Sunday, July 4, 2010

"Get Organized" Workshop Resources Available Online

One of the workshops offered at KCWC this year was "Get Organized and Sell Your Work." The workshop was well attended, but it was offered only once. If you missed it, the content of the workshop is available on Emily Akin's website. Follow this link to get to the "Get Organized" page where you can download the handout and read blog posts dealing with the subject matter in the workshop.

Also, forms that might be useful for writers getting organized are available for download in Emily's Google docs. There are two cash log templates for tracking income and expenses. Link to them individually here and here. And, there's a form for tracking submissions here. All three forms were created with Microsoft Excel. They might also work in other spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Works or Open Office. If you aren't proficient with spreadsheets, you could still use them. Download, remove the sample figures and other text that you don't want. Then, print them off and use the hard copies to keep your financial record. You'd just have to do your own math with the hard copies.

PS---mark your calendar for KCWC 2011, June 24-25, with Cecil Murphey as keynote speaker.

1 comment:

Karen Lange said...

Thank you for the info and links!
Karen :)