Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Conference Basics: Editor's Panel

This is one session that most people aren’t sure about or are least prepared for (sorry for ending with a preposition). The Editor’s Panel is held in the Chapel. It is basically an informal question and answer session. Some of the presenters (we try to include a variety of editors, publishers, authors, and those who have self-published) will be on stage, available to share information about the trends in the publishing market. They will also be available to answer your questions. So, the better you’re prepared, the better the session will be.
Suggestions:   Write down some questions ahead of time – in a notebook, on a notecard, on your smart phone, whatever works for you.
Some topics you might like to know more about:  Self-publishing vs. traditional publishing? The need for an agent? The need for an editor? Should you seek a major publishing house or a small press?  What have they done that worked well? What didn’t? What would they do differently? Printed books vs. ebooks?  
            Do you get the picture? Start thinking about some of these questions now. We may even have you write them down on note cards before the session begins, to speed the process along. Remember, the better prepared you are, the more you’ll get from the session and from the conference in general.

Trish Nall, KCWC Treasurer

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