Saturday, May 28, 2016

Conference Basics: One-on-One

One of the most important features of our conference is the opportunity to talk one-on-one with one of our presenters.  Clipboards will be set out in the main lobby sometime after the opening session. Each person doing one-on-one sessions will have their own clipboard with the time slots available.
We are anticipating a fairly large number of attendees this year, so please only sign up for one session. Write down your time, so you don’t forget! Don’t worry that it is during one of your classes. Presenters are well-aware of these consultations and won’t be offended when you slip out of the room quietly.
*The one-on-one sessions will be in the gym, in the end zones. The presenters’ names will be on the tables.
·         The faculty member may be an editor, a publisher, or a published author. S/he has agreed to read one poem, or one page of your story, book, article, etc. Have this typed or neatly written and prepared to share during your session. Please do NOT ask him/her to read more than the one page. If s/he asks for more, then it is perfectly acceptable to share more.
·         Take notes. You don’t want to continuously ask your mentor to repeat the information.
·         You will be allotted 15 minutes. PLEASE be professional and respectful and adhere to that timeline. The presenters have a busy weekend. They need breaks, too.
·         Do NOT jump over to another presenter, just because s/he happens to be free at the moment. Their person could be running late. Besides, it is very unprofessional.

·         When in doubt - - - Use good manners. J

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