Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Excuses, Excuses

Are you still contemplating whether you should attend Kentucky Christian Writers Conference? What are you waiting for? Let's debunk some excuses:

EXCUSE #1: "I've waited too late to register." There's still plenty of time to complete the registration process--just go to and follow the registration instructions.

EXCUSE #2: "I've missed the hotel deadlines and have no place to stay." Elizabethtown has a variety of hotels to choose from; for a complete list, click on the following link: You might even consider rooming with a friend, which will save you money and provide some fellowship during the conference.

EXCUSE #3: "I can't get away for the entire conference." One-day registration is available, and walk-in registrations will be accepted during the event.

EXCUSE #4: "I'm a new writer and not sure my works are good enough." That's exactly why you need to attend--to meet fellow writers, to learn new techniques, to get inspired.

No more excuses--sign up today! KCWC is an inspiring, fun event--hope to see you there!

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